Death and Passing Over – Spritual Life in the Hereafter
„Not everything written down is true, true is what has remained unsaid so far, in the true sense of mankind and the survival on this planet.“
(Nostradamus, 2020)
Upon death, the human being leaves his material body behind. The soul is and will be immortal.
Only one thought separates the Hereafter from the material human life. Beings of light and spirit guides accompany the human beings through their journey on earth.
Those, who passed away before us are telling us currently about the spiritual life on the Other Side.
The human being is subjected to the developing evolution, and it is impossible to get off this train at any time.
Human beings of the future will be able to unfold only their own free spirit, be enlightened and will no longer require superordinate guidance and influence.
Medial texts by:
Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales
Stephen Hawking, Astrophysic
Sri Yuktesware